for interview
Tell us
about how you became a bus driver.
What was
the skid test like?
things do you hate most about your job?
things do you enjoy most about your job?
What kind
of buses have you driven?
What would
you do if your bus broke down?
What is
the most dangerous situation you have ever dealt with?
Why do you
love buses?
What is
the most stressful thing about bus driving ?
Today we
met three bus drivers Roy, Terry and Mike .
Terry came
in and talked about his time as bus driver
and his
experiences .We interviewed him and he answered
all of our
questions some of them were funny and some of them were
interesting.Mike came in with lots of old bus items like a
machine, Mike showed us how it worked and a ticket came
out. The pictures
were very exciting , because in the pictures Mike
driving through a big bridge in Paris . Roy came as well and he
answered our questions with a unique set of answers.
thing Roy did different was that he preformed some
magic tricks.
We learnt a lot about buses from the visitors today and
We will
learn more later on .
By Sirah
and Fatima
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